Sari Schorr @ Tilford Weyfest - Sunday, August 21, 2022


Due to illnesses, the original final two bands on the Village Green (second) stage had to pull out at short notice. So Leatherat took the penultimate slot and played a second set of the day (which was handy as I missed them earlier in the day due to watching The Wilson Brothers!).
The top slot was taken by Sari Schorr who actually flew in at the last minute from Norway specially for this gig!! It helped that her normal guitarist Ash Wilson (of The Wilson Brothers) was already on site and the rest of the band were able to get there in time too. What followed was one of the best performances I've seen from Sari, or from many other artists for that matter - absolutely electric!


Weyfest 2022 weekend ticket Weyfest 2022 camping ticket (not used) Weyfest 2022 wristband


Weyfest 2022 programme front cover